Immerse Yourself in God's Word

For the last several years, we have taken a few weeks to read scripture in a large section. We ready this way because it allows us to see the broader story of the bible and get to know God's character. This spring, we'll be reading Immerse: Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel together, which means we are completing reading through the whole bible together! Then, we’ll talk about what we’re learning as we GROW together during our weekend gatherings and in groups. We’ll also have bible reading plans, podcasts, groups, resources to support you along the way!
Go onto the Immerse website to find even more information and resources. Click on the image to the right to go there now!


Immerse: Chronicles is the sixth and final installment in Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience. Chronicles contains the remaining First Testament Books: Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel. These works were all written after the Jewish people fell under the control of foreign empires and were scattered among the nations. They remind God’s chastened people of their identity and calling to faithfully represent God to the nations and that there is still hope for the struggling dynasty of David.

Immerse Yourself in God's Word

For the last several years, we have taken a few weeks to read scripture in a large section. We ready this way because it allows us to see the broader story of the bible and get to know God's character. This spring, we'll be reading Immerse: Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel together, which means we are completing reading through the whole bible together! Then, we’ll talk about what we’re learning as we GROW together during our weekend gatherings and in groups. We’ll also have bible reading plans, podcasts, groups, resources to support you along the way!
Go onto the Immerse website to find even more information and resources. Click on the image to the right to go there now!


Immerse: Chronicles is the sixth and final installment in Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience. Chronicles contains the remaining First Testament Books: Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel. These works were all written after the Jewish people fell under the control of foreign empires and were scattered among the nations. They remind God’s chastened people of their identity and calling to faithfully represent God to the nations and that there is still hope for the struggling dynasty of David.

Here's How it Works:

Read Along: You can read along in your own bible, listen to the daily reading podcast, or purchase the Immerse: Chronicles book.
Join a Group: In an Immerse group you will follow a reading plan and meet with your group weekly to discuss four basic questions. Listening to scripture, listening to God, and praying for each other help us all grow deeper in relationship with God, self and others. Join a group, or gather a few friends and create a “micro-group” just for the next four weeks.
4 Questions to Get Your Conversations Started: 
1. What stood out to you this week?
2. Was there anything confusing or troubling?
3. Did anything make you think differently about God?
4. How might this change the way we live?

Here's How it Works:

Read Along: You can read along in your own bible, listen to the daily reading podcast, or purchase the Immerse: Chronicles book.
Join a Group: In an Immerse group you will follow a reading plan and meet with your group weekly to discuss four basic questions. Listening to scripture, listening to God, and praying for each other help us all grow deeper in relationship with God, self and others. Join a group, or gather a few friends and create a “micro-group” just for the next four weeks.
4 Questions to Get Your Conversations Started: 
1. What stood out to you this week?
2. Was there anything confusing or troubling?
3. Did anything make you think differently about God?
4. How might this change the way we live?

Follow Along

Listen to the Immerse podcast: Listening to Immerse is a great way to follow along! You can listen while you commute, go for a walk, or are on-the-go. Podcasts are available through Apple and Spotify.
Read Immerse: You can either purchase an Immerse “Beginnings” Bible in print or digital format or read along with the reading plan in your own Bible. We have also created a reading plan, you can pick one up in the lobby next Sunday morning, or download a digital version below.
Family Guide: If you're walking through with your family, here is a great resource for all ages.

Follow Along

Listen to the Immerse podcast: Listening to Immerse is a great way to follow along! You can listen while you commute, go for a walk, or are on-the-go. Podcasts are available through Apple and Spotify.
Read Immerse: You can either purchase an Immerse “Beginnings” Bible in print or digital format or read along with the reading plan in your own Bible. We have also created a reading plan, you can pick one up in the lobby next Sunday morning, or download a digital version below.
Family Guide: If you're walking through with your family, here is a great resource for all ages.